Quality Assurance & Testing
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is founded on two ideas. One is “fit for purpose,” which means that the product or service is suitable for its intended use. The alternative is “right the first time,” in which errors are corrected instantly.
With the two aforementioned concepts in place, the objective is to ensure that the product or service operates appropriately at all times through effective management of the project’s variables.
Testing is the method by which a quality assurance system is implemented. It is used to ascertain the existence of defects in a product or service. The need of testing is self-evident: not only would a badly completed product or service dissatisfy the stakeholder, but there may also be safety concerns that put individuals in danger if not handled.
Testing includes the below steps:
Analysis & Definition
Design Architecture and Description
Coding a Logic Analysis
Change and Configuration Management
Testing and Standard Compliance
Release Management and Release Control
Agile & QA
Agile emphasizes continuous improvement of both the product and the process throughout the lifecycle of a project. It is an iterative, adaptable method in which teams break down large projects into smaller ones. With agile, we deliver needs in short sprints.
As part of Agile testing, we incorporate quality assurance (QA) as early as feasible in the project to anticipate issues, design and execute test cases, and expose any requirements gaps. With the development process segmented into iterative stages, our QA engineers can bring emphasis to the process and provide rapid and continuous feedback.
Our Methodology
Based on the Agile Methodology, our QA engineers conduct their work based on the below principles
Risk Analysis
Risk analysis is defined as the process of identifying and assessing potential risks and their impact. The process helps organizations avoid and mitigate risks.
Test First - Test Often
The agile model incorporates QA at each stage of the project's lifetime. QA engineers test and retest the product with each new feature added throughout each sprint.
Know Your Audience
Understanding the audience helps improve the QA process. By tailoring the development & QA processes to your needs, our team will be able to create value-adding applications.
Using the Agile QA Process, Our QA team helps generate high-quality products, ensuring client confidence, corporate credibility and successful product delivery.
Our Services
Bela Corp provides business analysis services from an information technology standpoint, assisting customers and product owners in discovering business needs and translating them into both functional & non-functional requirements that are executed later by the development team.
Manual Testing
During manual testing, our quality assurance team evaluates your product's performance across a variety of devices, as well as its user interface and usability. Manual testing identifies vulnerabilities that cannot be found automatically and provides personalized input on your product's appearance and feel.
Automated Testing
Automated testing is a long-term investment in your product's success. It tests software functionality in all feasible scenarios and then compares its performance across various platforms in parallel. By combining manual and automated testing, we can reduce time to market and ensure that your customers receive an error-free product.